March 2024 Newsletter

Click here to read the March 2024 Library Newsletter in its entirety.

Book Club: The Green Ember

This month’s book club book is “The Green Ember” by S.D. Smith. Join us on Friday, March 22nd at 1pm with your rabbit ears 🐰 ready to discuss the first book of this wonderful series. Dressing up is encouraged!

Are you unfamiliar with Green Ember? Here is a synopsis from the author’s website: “Heather and Picket are extraordinary rabbits with ordinary lives until calamitous events overtake them, spilling them into a cauldron of misadventures. They discover that their own story is bound up in the tumult threatening to overwhelm the wider world. Kings fall and kingdoms totter. Tyrants ascend and terrors threaten. Betrayal beckons, and loyalty is a broken road with peril around every bend. Where will Heather and Picket land? How will they make their stand?”

We do have two copies of the book in the library, but if you prefer audio please check out S.D. Smith’s website for a link to a free audiobook!

March Events

We have another busy month ahead of us! The weather is warming up, and spring is right around the corner. We are excited for some fun storytimes and a book club over the next few weeks!

Friday, March 8th at 1pm – Storytime with guest reader Dorothy Esswein. Details are still being finalized but I heard something about sssssnakes… 🐍😱

Friday, March 15th at 1pm – Storytime with guest reader Rose Carter. She has some pretty fun activities planned all about kites! 🪁

Friday, March 22nd at 1pm – Monthly Book Club. As mentioned above, we are reading “The Green Ember” by S.D. Smith this month. 🐰⚔️

Clive’s Corner: Highlighting new additions

Enjoy these monthly recommendations from our library mascot, Clive

It’s been so much fun to see the books roll in from our Book Drive the past two months! I’ve been very busy reading them all, and wanted to take this chance to highlight some of our newest additions to our circulation.

  • Mooses with Bazookas: And Other Stories Children Should Never Readby S.D. Smith – We fell in love with S.D. Smith from his Green Ember series… now read his newest book! It’s an illustrated collection of stories and humorous letters, with a novella (Mooses with Bazookas) in its middle. It stars a mouse, a moose, a dog who can speak Alienese, and other lovable misfits. It’s perfect for people who need, or want, to laugh.
  • A Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learningby Karen Andreola – This book was donated by a former homeschool mom whose kids are all grown now. This book is an indispensable resource for any parent looking to embrace the gentlenessuty of the Charlotte Mason method in their own homeschool day. I’m so thankful to have this in our library!
  • The Ology: Ancient Truths, Ever Newby Marty Machowski – This book is a beginner’s theology book to help kids of all ages understand who God is and how we, as His children, relate to Him. Each truth is also connected to the larger redemptive story of Scripture. The illustrations are stunning and will be a great resource for the whole family.
  • Grandfather’s Journeyby Allen Say – This beautiful picture book is based on the author’s own life, and the life of his grandfather. It illustrates the difficulty immigrants face in feeling as if they are part of two places, and never completely whole.  
  • Tales from the Dimwood Forest series, by Avi – Also known as the Poppy series, this collection of 7 books tells stories about Poppy, the deer mouse, and her forest friends. Thanks to some wonderful donors, we have all 7 books of the series now! I will be honest, I do not know the correct order (and the internet does not seem to agree either), but I’m sure whichever way you read it you will enjoy it!

Closed for Easter

In celebration of our Savior’s resurrection, Cornerstone Living Library will be closed Easter Weekend (March 28th through 31st). We will reopen on April 2nd – email Ashley at to make an appointment.

If you do not have a church home, we invite you to join Cornerstone Bible Church for our Easter services! We have a Good Friday service on Friday, March 29th at 7:00pm. Then on Sunday at 9:30am we have a potluck breakfast, followed by our Easter service at 10:45am. We would love to see you there!