Click here to read the April 2024 Library Newsletter in its entirety.
Book Club: Charlotte’s Web
This month’s book club is a beloved classic – “Charlotte’s Web” by E.B. White. This book is a delightful story of love and friendship, and a beautiful example of grace. We will read the book ahead of time, and come together on Friday, April 26 to discuss.
Our monthly book clubs are a fun way for children to celebrate with other kids the books we are reading. We try to choose classic books that are easily found. All children are welcome (no library membership needed). We usually include themed crafts and snacks. If you have a food allergy, please let me know ASAP. If you want to bring food, please keep it nut-free.
Director’s note: Originally we were going to read Tom Sawyer for our book club, but as I was re-reading it this week, I decided I wanted a book that was at a bit of a lower reading level. I apologize for changing it after I told a number of our patrons we’d be reading Tom Sawyer.
April Events
You asked, and we listened! For the first time ever we’re introducing a morning storytime this month! Please note the time of the April 12th storytime will be at 10:30am, and the library will be open all day that day. Consider this a trial run to see how it goes!
Also, we ARE open our normal hours for spring break. As always, you can see our calendar on our website here, which we keep updated to the best of our ability.
Friday, April 5 at 1pm – Storytime with library director Ashley Borrego. Come learn more about African American spirituals, and the part they have played in our country’s history.
Friday, April 12th at 10:30am – Note the new time! This will be a morning storytime just for those who need to work around afternoon naps.
Friday, April 26th at 1pm – Monthly Book Club. As mentioned above, this month we are all reading Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. Come ready to discuss! Barnyard animals not permitted inside the library no matter how cute they are, sorry!
Clive’s Corner: A smattering of recent acquisitions
Enjoy these monthly recommendations from our library mascot, Clive
While I held down the fort a dew weeks ago, our library director headed to a homeschool conference. While there, she picked up quite a book haul! This month, I’m highlighting a few of them for those interested. As you can see from the picture, there are many more I’m not specifically mentioning so be sure to stop in the library to see for yourself.
- The Story of God Our Savior, by Kenneth Padget – This is the third book of a beautifully illustrated trilogy (by Andrew Peterson’s son, Aedan!). A great visual way to capture who God is.
- Dragons In Our Midst series by Bryan Davis – For those who love fantasy, Bryan Davis is a must-read Christian author. We picked up the four book “Dragons in Our Midst” series. And for those kids who prefer, we also grabbed the first book in graphic novel form! Check these out and let us know if you think we should get the prequel and sequel spin-off series.
- Landmark books by various authors – The Landmark book series are a treasure for homeschooling families. They were published between 1950 and 1970, and are well-written novels of various history topics. They can be hard to find, so we’re committed to getting as many as we can for our library so future generations can continue to enjoy them! The three most recent acquisitions are Simon Bolivar, Napoleon, and the Panama Canal.
- Crown and Covenant series by Douglas Bond – We’ve had the first book of this trilogy, but now we have the other two! This series follows a family in 17th century Scotland as they endure persecution for their Christian faith.
- Lamplighter books by various authors – Lamplighter Publishing is committed to republishing rare books that are character-building and God-honoring. They are beautifully bound, and we have 12 titles in our library! The most recent one we acquired is the original book where they got their name, The Lamplighter by Maria S. Cummins.
- Who Should We Then Read? by Jan Bloom – A book about books! Jan Bloom is a treasure and we are thrilled to add both volumes of her books to our library. Jan has painstakingly curated a list of about 150 authors (per volume) that write good living books. She includes a list of titles attributed to that author, and a little biography of the author’s life. This is so helpful when trying to find good living books!
FAQ: Why are Tuesdays “by appointment only”?
Soon after we opened, I added an additional day – Tuesdays, by appointment only. I’ve gotten a few comments asking why do we do it that way, and could we make it a drop-in day like Fridays. I wanted to explain briefly why it isn’t.
It is very important to me to honor and be consistent about the schedule I share. If I am unable to make it, I will find someone else to be in the library in my stead. So far I’ve managed fine, but adding a second day would increase the expectations. This library is a ministry for me – I am not on staff, and I don’t have people working for me. It is truly a joy and a delight to run this library, and putting boundaries in place will keep it that way for a long time to come.
Also, on a more practical note – I need to know if and when patrons are coming so I can make sure I am in the library and that they can get into the building. The church office is small and sometimes (especially during lunchtime) no one is around to open the door for someone. Also, I am not always in the library – I take a midday break, and sometimes I have other obligations. If you tell me you’re coming, though, I will ensure that I am there and that you are able to get into the building.
So don’t be shy! Make that appointment! You can reply to this email, or email me at It makes me so happy to see patrons using the library!
– Ashley Borrego, Library Director