We are building a library full of living books. We wouldn’t be able to grow our collection very fast without our wonderful donations! We are so grateful to each and every one of you for your gifts.
Donations can be dropped off at our building, Cornerstone Bible Church. If you need a tax-deductible receipt or have a large quantity of books, please contact the library director first at library@cbclilburn.org.
Generally, here are some great books:
- Any children’s books written before 1980
- Note about Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, and Peter Rabbit series: Here is a list of books we still need.
- History and historical fiction (no textbooks)
- Biographies
- Books about science topics (no textbooks)
- Homeschooling resource books for parents (not curriculum)
If you are unsure, we’re happy to review it. Please send us an email.
Amazon Wishlist
Thank you for supporting us via our Amazon Wishlist! When available, we prefer hardbacks, but we will accept paperbacks too. We are also happy to receive used books.